Create Stock Lists

 To create a new stock list, go to the stock lists menu on the dashboard, and click “create stock list”

This will bring up a page where you can enter the basic information about the stock list.

  1. Name: The name of the stock list should be a short description of what it is - for example, "Peds ward monthly consumables".

  2. Description: This can be used for any additional details about the stock list or left blank

  3. Origin: This should be the depot that you will be sending the items from. It will default to the depot that you are in, but can be changed

  4. Destination: This should be the location that you are sending the items to

  5. Commodity class: Choose from Medication, Consumable, Durable, Cold Chain, Hazardous,  or Mixed

  6. Published: Check the box to make the stock list visible and usable within openboxes

  7. Requested by: This will be the person that created the list


Once you have filled in all of the header fields, press "Save". This will bring you to the next page:





On this page, you can add items to a stock list. There are several ways to do this.


Option 1: Enter the product code into the search box. Click the correct entry when it comes up. Keep the OUM each. Once you are finished with that product, click "add". Do not forget to click add. Clicking save will not save your item.


Option 2: List all of the product codes in the box at the top that says "Add multiple requisition items by product code". List each code in turn separated by a comma, for example: AB12,AB23,BC34. Once you have written in the full list, click "add to products"


Option 3: Import stock list items

  1. Click the carrot in the upper left hand corner and choose "import stock list items from the drop down menu

  1. Create and excel sheet with the columns product code, product name, max qty, and UOM fill it out like the example below (using your own data)

  1. Copy the entire table EXCEPT the header row, and paste it into the data box. It should look like below:

  1. When you have all the data entered in the correct format, press "import"

  2. The next page will show you the data that you are importing, Check the data to make sure it matches the column headers. Then press save.

  1. Congratulations! You have now imported stock list items! Go to "show stock list" under the carrot to see the full imported list

Whichever way that you chose to add items, press "Save" to finalize the stock list


Edit a Stock List


From the list stock list page, click on the actions button next to the stock list you want to view or edit:



You will see that the drop down menu contains several options:

  1. Show stock list: view details of the stock list

  2. Edit stock list: Edit the header information for the stock list (locations, name, description, class)

  3. Add stock list items: Add items to this stock list. Also click this button if you want to edit the items on the stock list (add, delete, or change qtys)

  4. Import stock list items: see above

  5. Export stock list items: Get a list of every item in the stock list

  6. Clone stock list: Make a copy of this stock list (useful if you want to send the same items to many different locations)

  7. Unpublish stock list: Deactivate this list

  8. Clear stock list items: Delete all items from the stock list (do not click this unless you are SURE)

  9. Delete stock list: Delete entire stock list (items and header)