The location type and supported activities determine exactly what a given location can do in OpenBoxes. Each location type has a set of default supported activities, and the supported activities define how the user can interact with that location. In most cases, users will want to simply choose a location type and use the default supported activities defined by the system. However, supported activities can be customized for each location. Some common customizations are indicated below.

Location Type Definitions

Locations that manage inventory:

Locations for tracking stock within a depot: While technically locations, these behave differently because they are only for tracking stock within a given depot using the bin feature

Locations that send stock to depots:

Locations that receive stock from depots: These locations are essentially interchangeable. All exist only to receive stock from Depots. Any location to which you will be sending stock, but not actively receiving or managing inventory in Openboxes, should be created as a ward, dispensary, or pharmacy

Supported Activity Definitions

Possible Supported Activity Customizations

Supported activities are set automatically based on the the location type you choose, but they can also be customized. Here are some available customizations:

For Depots:

For wards/pharmacies/dispensaries: