Transaction Report

Transaction Report


The transaction report shows, for a given time period, the opening inventory, all of the ins and outs, and the closing inventory in a particular location.

How to run the report

To access this report, go to Reporting>Transaction Report

Under report parameters, select the location that you want to see data for. Then select the time period you want to view and click submit.

This will load the report in HTML. To download this report, click the download button on the report parameters box. Make sure you don’t click download until after you submit your parameters and see results. The report will download in CSV.

  Detailed field description

See below explanations of each column in this report:

Code: the product code

Product: The product name

Opening Balance: The QOH on the start date indicated in the report parameters

Cycle Count: If the word "true" appears in this column, that means a physical inventory was done on the product during the time period specified. Because a cycle count overrides existing inventory, your closing balance may not be equal to the opening balance + ins - outs

Inbound: The quantity of the product that came into the warehouse during this time period

Outbound: The quantity of the product that went out of the warehouse during this time period

Expired: The quantity of the product that was removed from inventory due to expiry during this time period (this does not count expired items that were not removed from inventory)

Damaged: The quantity of the product that was removed from inventory due to damage during this time period (this does not count damaged items that were not removed from inventory)

Adjusted: This shows the amount added to or subtracted from the stock through an inventory adjustment. Unlike the other columns, which are always positive, adjustments can be negative (an adjustment down) or positive (an adjustment up)

Closing Balance: The QOH on the end date indicated in the report parameters. Unless there was a cycle count during the time period, the closing balance should be equal to Opening Balance + Inbound - Outbound - Expired - Damaged + Adjusted


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