Consumption Report

Consumption Report


The consumption report shows you all of the stock sent out from your warehouse over a given time period. You can see consumption total, average, and month by month value. You can also see consumption by destination location. Click here for a video walkthrough of the report.

How to run the report

To access the consumption report, hover over “Reporting” on the menu bar and click “Consumption Report”

This will reveal the following screen:

To run the consumption report, you must first set the report parameters:

  1. Origin: The warehouse you want to see consumption from. This will be automatically set as your current location.

  2. Consumed on or after: Enter the earliest date in the range of dates you’re interested in.

  3. Consumed on or before: Enter the latest date in the range of dates you’re interested in.


After you set your parameters, you have the option to set filters on the data. If you don’t want to filter te report, go ahead and skip this section. Available filters are:

  1. Categories- you can select multiple relevant categories you are interested in. Category selection is not required to run the report.

  2. Tags- you can select any tags that are helpful for running a report. This is not required to run the consumption report.

  3. Destinations- You can filter by any location to see only transactions out to that destination. If you don’t have a specific location in mind, when you run the report, all of the destinations that have been sent to will appear here. You can remove any that you want to filter out.


Finally, before running the report, you must set your render options:

  1. Additional columns: Optional field. You can select additional information you want to see in the report. If you want to see unit cost information, select "price per unit"

  2. Format: HTML will show the report online. CSV will download it in excel. It is useful to run the report in HTML first, to check the results and apply more filters if necessary.

  3. Options: This section shows additional information that can be included

    1. Include quantity on hand: If you do not check this, QOH will show as zero. Recommended to check unless you are concerned about slow load speeds. The report is faster without QOH.

    2. Include location breakdown in CSV: If you check this, in addition to showing the total qty transferred out, the excel file will also show how much went to each destination.

    3. Include monthly breakdown in CSV: For time periods of more than one month, checking include monthly breakdown will show both the total qty transferred out, and then the qty transferred out for each individual month covered.

Click “Run Report.” This will cause a summarized version of the report to appear in the table on the right. If you selected CSV, an excel version of the report will download.


The left hand side of the screen will change slightly—you will notice a list of locations in the Destination section that were not there previously:

This a list of all of the locations that have consumed stock from your depot during the time period specified. If you do not want to see product sent to a certain location, you can click the x next to the name of the location. After you do this, you need to click “run report” again for that location to be removed from the results.


Detailed Field Description

Once you have added any filters and pressed run, the HTML results will appear in the below format:

  • Issued: The quantity transferred out of your warehouse to the selected destinations via shipments or stock transfers during the selected time period

  • Expired: Quantity of stock removed from your location due to expiry during the specified time period. This will show as zero unless you add expired under transaction types before running the report

  • Damaged: Quantity of stock removed from your location due to damage during the specified time period. This will show as zero unless you add damaged under transaction types before running the report

  • Other: Quantity of stock removed from your location for other reasons during the specified time period. This will show as zero unless you add other under transaction types before running the report

  • Monthly: Divides the Issued by the number of months in the date range to create an average consumed per month in the given time period

  • Weekly: Divides the Issued by the number of weeks in the date range to create an average consumed per week in the given time period

  • Daily: Divides the Issued by the number of days in the date range to create an average consumed per day in the given time period

  • QOH: Reports the current QOH in the source location

  • Months Left: Given the average monthly quantity consumed and the current QOH, OB calculates how many months it would take to consume that stock

Some things to note:

  • The average monthly, weekly, and daily consumption is based on the start and end dates of your consumption report. It will change based on the specific combinations of dates that you enter each time.

  • If you change the parameters of the report (location or dates), any filters you had will be removed. You will need to reapply any filters you want to keep


The HTML report gives a summary of the data, but to get the most detail, you will need to download the CSV report. Below is a detailed description of the fields in the CSV:


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