Ship from PO

Ship from PO

When items on an order are ready to ship, users can add them to a shipment that can be tracked and received at a depot. This process is to be designed upon receipt of a packing list or shipment information, but can also be done upon receipt of goods if advance notice is not provided.

There are two ways to create a shipment from a PO:

  1. Go to the purchasing menu>ship from PO. Choose this option if you want to combine multiple POs in one shipment

  2. Go to the PO view page for the PO you want to ship, and press the "Ship PO" button. This is more efficient if you are shipping from only one PO, because it fills in some data for you automatically.


If you choose the first option, you will be brought to a page where you can enter the shipment header information:

Enter a shipment description and an origin vendor (destination will autofill to your location), and press next. Note, if you create the shipment from the PO, you will skip this page because the description, origin, and destination will be autofilled from the PO.


The next page allows you to choose PO items to ship. If you accessed this page from the PO view page, it will autofill all of the lines remaining on the PO. If you accessed it from the menu, it will be blank at first.

 To add lines to the shipment, click the "Add lines" button in the top right. This will open a modal that shows all open lines on all POs with your vendor and destination.

You can use the boxes at the top of the modal to filter by purchase order and by product. To add items to the shipment, either enter the qty you want to add under "Quantity to Ship," or check the box to the far left of the line to add the full quantity available. Once you have selected all of your lines, press "add items to shipment." 

This will bring you back to the edit page, with all of your items now added to the shipment. You can add more items through that modal at any time, or you can remove items by using the delete button. Now that you have your items in the shipment, you can add lot, expiry, and packing information. It is also permissible to leave these fields blank if you don't have packing or lot tracking info for the shipment. If you have a line that has two different lot numbers or containers, use the split line button. This will add an identical line below the first with no quantity. You can adjust the quantity to be divided between the two lines, and fill out the lot and packing information by line.  There is validation to make sure that every time you split a line, the overall quantity shipped remains the same.


Once you are satisfied with the packing list, press next to go to the final page of the workflow:

On this page, you can review your work and add a shipment type, tracking info, and comments. You can also upload documents, or download any of the available shipping templates. Once you are satisfied that the shipment is complete, press send. This will update the shipment status to send a redirect you to the shipment view page:

From here, the depot can proceed through the receiving process as normal. See section Receiving


Ship from a PO using an excel import


  1. Go to the purchasing menu>ship from PO

2. This brings up the first page of the shipping workflow. Enter the description and vendor and press next

3. Next brings you to the packing list page. It will be empty to start.

4. If you already have a completed import template, you can go straight to step 6. Step 5 will show you how to put together a template.

5. Press the "Download" button. You will see two options "blank import template" and "available order items"

a. "Blank import template" will download a blank template that you can fill in by hand. Fields with a star are required. Order item id is not required UNLESS the product code appears twice on the PO. If PO0001 has two lines for AB12, you need to add the order item id to show which line you are shipping from. Look at option b to see how to get the order item id

Order number

Order Item id

Product code

Product name

Lot number


Quantity to ship

Pack level 1

Pack level 2













b. "Available order items" downloads a template that is prefilled with all PO lines that are available to ship from that vendor. This is the best option to use if you don't want to hand enter a long list of items. Because the PO data is all in the template, you just have to add lot, expiry, and pack information where relevant, update the quantity if desired, and delete any lines you don’t want to add to the shipment

Order number

Order Item id

Product code

Product name

Lot number


Quantity to ship

Pack level 1

Pack level 2





Methyldopa, 250mg film coated tablet






Katarzyna Krawczyk




Mask, Oxygen, Nonrebreather, Pediatric






Katarzyna Krawczyk


6. Once you have chosen a template and edited it to reflect the items, save your final version as a .csv file (the download will already be in that file type). Then press "Import template," choose your file, and press OK.

7. You should now see all of the items from you spreadsheet updated on the page. If you are having trouble, here are some common validation errors you might receive and how to fix them:

a. Expiry date is invalid - if you have entered a date in the wrong format or way in the past, you will get an error asking you to update it. Please use American style short date (MM/DD/YYYY) as the date formatting to avoid issues

b. Qty to ship greater than qty available: This means that you are trying to ship more than is actually on the PO. The error will tell you which line is causing the issue - check the PO to see what quantity is available and update the template.

8. You can now review your shipment items and make any edits that you need to make. Once you are satisfied with the packing list, press next to go to the final page of the workflow:

On this page, you can review your work and add a shipment type, tracking info, and comments. You can also upload documents, or download any of the available shipping templates. Once you are satisfied that the shipment is complete, press send. This will update the shipment status to send a redirect you to the shipment view page:


From here, the depot can proceed through the receiving process as normal. See section Receiving .

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